color_pool - Temporary color pool using text/number/path/instance keys.
Once fixed distinct colors are expended, md5(key) is used.
Null key is always #000000.
effect/effect/system/trail - ///// Attach an Ion trail to any object, that spawns when it moves (like for the jetpack)
just pass in the object to attach it to in set_up
Then do start() to start it and stop() to stop it, obviously
and don't call start() in a loop that will be repeated otherwise it'll get spammed!
steam - Attach a steam trail to an object (eg. a reacting beaker) that will follow it
scent - Scent extensions
To add:
set_extension(atom, /datum/extension/scent/PATH/TO/SPECIFIC/SCENT)
This will set up the extension and will make it begin to emit_scent.
To remove:
remove_extension(atom, /datum/extension/scent)
grid_load_metadata - Fill a given tile with its area/turf/objects/mobs
Variable model is one full map line (e.g /turf/unsimulated/wall{icon_state = "rock"}, /area/mine/explored)
state_transition - Used to connect /decl/states together so the FSM knows what state to switch to, and on what conditions.
On a directed graph, these would be the arrows connecting the nodes representing states.
borgify - Borged hook.
Called in when someone gets turned into a cyborg.
Parameters: var/mob/living/silicon/robot
change_account_status - Account suspension hook.
Called in when someone's account is suspended or unsuspended at the Accounts terminal.
Parameters: var/datum/money_account
clone - Cloning hook.
Called in when someone is brought back by the wonders of modern science.
Parameters: var/mob/living/carbon/human
death - Death hook.
Called in when someone dies.
Parameters: var/mob/living/carbon/human, var/gibbed
debrain - Debrained hook.
Called in when someone gets debrained.
Parameters: var/obj/item/organ/internal/brain
global_init - Global init hook.
Called in when the server is initialized.
harvest_podman - Podman hook.
Called in when someone is brought back as a Diona.
Parameters: var/mob/living/carbon/alien/diona
reassign_employee - Employee reassignment hook.
Called in when someone's card is reassigned at the HoP's desk.
Parameters: var/obj/item/card/id
revoke_payroll - Payroll revoked hook.
Called in when someone's payroll is stolen at the Accounts terminal.
Parameters: var/datum/money_account
roundend - Roundend hook.
Called in when a round ends.
roundstart - Roundstart hook.
Called in when a round starts.
sell_crate - Crate sold hook.
Called in when a crate is sold on the shuttle.
Parameters: var/obj/structure/closet/crate/sold, var/area/shuttle
shutdown - Shutdown hook.
Called in when world/Del is called.
startup - Startup hook.
Called in when the server starts.
terminate_employee - Employee terminated hook.
Called in when someone's card is terminated at the HoP's desk.
Parameters: var/obj/item/card/id
computer_file_creator - Mapping tool - creates a named modular computer file in a computer's storage on late initialize.
Use this to do things like automatic records and blackboxes. Alternative for paper records.
Values can be in the editor for each map or as a subtype.
This is an obj because raw atoms can't be placed in DM or third-party mapping tools.
donkpocket - Donk Pockets are a food item that is a reference to a mass market
brand of turnovers. They come with various "fillings" and can be
cooked (or self-heat in some cases) to cause them to temporarily
become more useful.
ai_slot - A wrapper that allows the computer to contain an inteliCard.
battery_module - This device is wrapper for actual power cell. I have decided to not use power
cells directly as even low-end cells available on station have tremendeous capacity
in comparsion. Higher tier cells would provide your device with nearly infinite
battery life, which is something i want to avoid.
hard_drive - Important! Avoid editing the content of file objects already saved on a disk,
as this bypasses checks for anything that might prevent saving. Instead,
clone the file, make the changes to the clone, and attempt to save the clone
with the same filename using save_file(). Additional useful procs for data
files in particular are also available.
portable - These are basically USB data sticks and may be used to transfer files between devices
merchant - For idiot merchants who wipe the program from their console.