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Ganglia Monitoring System

Monitoring clusters and Grids since the year 2000


What is Ganglia?

Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted at federations of clusters. It leverages widely used technologies such as XML for data representation, XDR for compact, portable data transport, and RRDtool for data storage and visualization. It uses carefully engineered data structures and algorithms to achieve very low per-node overheads and high concurrency. The implementation is robust, has been ported to an extensive set of operating systems and processor architectures, and is currently in use on thousands of clusters around the world. It has been used to link clusters across university campuses and around the world and can scale to handle clusters with 2000 nodes.

Ganglia is a BSD-licensed open-source project that grew out of the University of California, Berkeley Millennium Project which was initially funded in large part by the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI) and National Science Foundation RI Award EIA-9802069. NPACI is funded by the National Science Foundation and strives to advance science by creating a ubiquitous, continuous, and pervasive national computational infrastructure: the Grid. Current support comes from Planet Lab: an open platform for developing, deploying, and accessing planetary-scale services.




Ganglia has a large community of users you can draw on for support. This page should get you on your way to solving whatever issue you might be facing.

If you are a new user, deploying ganglia for the first time, take a look at the ganglia Wiki page.

You can chat with other ganglia users and developers on IRC channel #ganglia on freenode.

There are also a number of mailing lists which capture community knowledge dating back to 2000. All ganglia mailing lists are open for anyone to join but non-members cannot post to our lists to prevent SPAM.


he Ganglia Project was started in 2001 by Matt Massie while he was working at the University of California, Berkeley. The project has had a lot of contributors throughout the years and this is just a simple page showing appreciation to past and present contributors. If you have contributed to the project but are not listed here, please send us an email at or Twitter @gangliainfo.

Thank you for your contributions!

Current Developers

Past Developers



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