So, I took some measurements with calipers, just listening for when the switch clicked (shown below.)

meas <- read.csv('../COTS/ZFswitches/switchStats.csv')

sdMargin <- 8
peapodSlop <- 1.1 <- mean(meas$t) + sdMargin*sd(meas$t) 
flight.flushSlop <- mean(meas$t) - sdMargin*sd(meas$t)
flight.flush <- flight.flushSlop-1.1 <-  round(, 1)
flight.flushSlop <-  round(flight.flushSlop, 1)
flight.flush <- round(flight.flush, 1)

It seems like the spread between the relevant positions is large enough compared to the standard deviation that we don’t really need to worry about the statistics of switch production. I set this to give us a comfy \(8\sigma\) margin around the switch trigger.

If you need to shrink that interval, try to keep it centered around 12.33.