The Language of Shage /ʃəˈgɛ/

...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind....
hu se rai bo la se shero' hu xeshoi la se ihe fo u axo
Pronunciation: /ħu sɛ ɾəˈi bɔ lə sɛ ˈʃɛɾɔʔ ħu ɣɛˈʃoi lə sɛ iˈhɛ fɔ u aˈɣo/
Narrow pronunciation: [ħu sɛ ɾəˈi bɔ ʎə sɛ ˈʃɛɾɔʔ ħu ɣɛˈʃoi ʎə sɛ iˈhɛ fɔ u aˈɣo]

Shage structure: and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind
Seed for this language: 0.517338243451477


Vowel inventory: /a i o u ɔ ə ɛ/

Dipthongs: None
Syllable structure: (C)V(C)
Stress pattern: No fixed stress
Word initial consonants: b, d, dʒ, f, g, h, j, l, m, r, s, t, w, x, z, ð, ħ, ɣ, ɾ, ʃ, ʕ, θ
Mid-word consonants: b, d, dʒ, f, g, h, j, l, m, r, s, t, w, x, z, ð, ħ, ɣ, ɾ, ʃ, ʔ, θ
Word final consonants: b, d, g, l, m, r, s, t, w, x, z, ð, ɣ, ʃ, ʔ, ʕ, θ
Phonological rules (in order of application):

Guide to phonological rules: "e → i / _g" means 'e' turns into 'i' before a 'g'.
C = consonant, V = vowel, S = stop, N = nasal consonant, F = fricative, K = velar, L = lateral, R = resonant/sonorant, P = labial/bilabial E = front vowel, B = back vowel, # = word boundary, Ø = null/nothing

  • b → w / V_V
  • N → h / _S
  • j → w / _o
  • s → z / _{N,l,r}
  • s → ʃ / i_#
  • ɛ → ɛa / _l{C,#}
  • h → Ø / _#
  • j → i / C(V)_
  • w → Ø / V_V
  • ɣ → g / C_V
  • h → Ø / _#
  • ja → iː / C_C
  • V → Ø / di_
  • l → ʎ / #_
  • Grammar

    Main word order: Subject-Verb-Object-Oblique. "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary opened the door with a key.
    Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
    Adposition: prepositions

    Noun morphology

    Nominativemanoxo /ˈoxo/ menSuffix: -(o)ʃ
    oxosh /ˈoxoʃ/
    AccusativemanSuffix: -(ɛ)ɣu
    oxoxu /oˈxoɣu/
    menSuffix: -u
    oxou /oˈxou/
    Genitiveman'sSuffix: -(ɛ)b
    oxob /ˈoxob/
    men'sSuffix: -(ɛ)ʕ
    oxor /ˈoxoʕ/
    Dativeto [the/a] manSuffix: -(ɔ)b
    oxob /oˈxob/
    to menSuffix: -i
    oxoi /oˈxoi/
    Locativein/at/by [the/a] manSuffix: -(ɛ)l
    oxol /ˈoxol/
    in/at/by [the/some] menSuffix: -(ɛ)r
    oxor /ˈoxor/

    Definite article

    Nominativethe [man]xab /xəb/ the [men]xub /xub/
    Accusativethe [man]xuy /xuj/ [xuˈi]the [men]xah /xəh/ [xə]
    Genitivethe [man's]xey /xɛj/ [xɛˈi]the [men's]fuh /fuh/ [fu]
    Dativeto the [man]xuh /xuħ/ to the [men]fug /fug/
    Locativein/at/by the [man]xaj /xədʒ/ in/at/by the [men]jeg /dʒɛg/

    Indefinite article

    Numeral for 'one' is used as indefinite article.

    Personal pronouns

    1st.sgIdha' /ðəʔ/ medhit /ðit/ minela dha' /lə ðəʔ/ [ʎə ðəʔ]to meo dha' /ɔ ðəʔ/
    2nd.sgyouse /sɛ/ youser /sɛɾ/ yoursla se /lə sɛ/ [ʎə sɛ]to youo se /ɔ sɛ/ /ə/ hima /ə/ hisla a /lə ə/ [ʎə ə]to himo a /ɔ ə/ /u/ herur /uɾ/ hersla u /lə u/ [ʎə u]to hero u /ɔ u/
    1st.plwei /i/ usiz /iz/ oursla i /lə i/ [ʎə i]to uso i /ɔ i/
    2nd.plyoume /mɛ/ youme' /mɛʔ/ yoursla me /lə mɛ/ [ʎə mɛ]to youo me /ɔ mɛ/ (masc.)fi /fi/ them (masc.)fid /fid/ their (masc.)la fi /lə fi/ [ʎə fi]to them (masc.)o fi /ɔ fi/ (fem.)xe /ɣɛ/ them (fem.)xedh /ɣɛð/ their (fem.)la xe /lə ɣɛ/ [ʎə ɣɛ]to them (fem.)o xe /ɔ ɣɛ/


    Indicative mood
    Perfectivestudiedstudywill study
    1st.sgSuffix: -o
    dazuo /ˈdazuo/
    Prefix: s(i)-
    sidazu /siˈdazu/
    Suffix: -(ɛ)z
    dazuz /ˈdazuz/
    2nd.sgSuffix: -(ɔ)ʃi
    dazushi /daˈzuʃi/
    Prefix: d(ɔ)-
    dodazu /dɔˈdazu/
    Suffix: -(i)s
    dazus /ˈdazus/
    3rd.sgSuffix: -i
    dazui /daˈzui/
    Prefix: g(ɛ)-
    gedazu /gɛˈdazu/
    Suffix: -(ɔ)m
    dazum /daˈzum/
    1st.plSuffix: -(o)ji
    dazuyi /daˈzuji/ [daˈzuii]
    Prefix: ɛ-
    edazu /ɛˈdazu/
    Suffix: -(o)l
    dazul /ˈdazul/
    2nd.plSuffix: -(a)w
    dazuw /ˈdazuw/
    Prefix: sɛ-
    sedazu /sɛˈdazu/
    Suffix: -(u)ʔɛ
    dazu'e /daˈzuʔɛ/
    3rd.plSuffix: -(o)ʕ
    dazur /ˈdazuʕ/
    Prefix: ɛ-
    edazu /ɛˈdazu/
    Suffix: -(i)ðu
    dazudhu /daˈzuðu/

    Derivational morphology

    Noun → adjective: Suffix: -(ɛ)b
    Adjective → noun: Suffix: -u
    Noun → verb: Suffix: -(o)ʃa
    Verb → noun: Suffix: -ɛ
    Verb → adjective: Suffix: -(ɛ)ħɛ
    Adjective → adverb: Suffix: -(a)z
    One who X's (e.g. paint → painter): Suffix: -(ɛ)ʔ
    Place where (e.g. wine → winery): Suffix: -(u)tu
    Diminutive: Suffix: -i
    Augmentative: Suffix: -(i)x
